
Using eWebmachine to create a link shortener (part 4)

Posted on October 21, 2014 by Clive

In the previous posts, we have been using the temporary Erlang Term Storage or ETS to store the data. As this is an in-memory store, any data that is stored is lost whenever the application is stopped. In this post, we will look to change this and make the data persist between application restarts…

Elixir Basics

Posted on October 21, 2014 by Clive

I was recently asked to put something together that covered the basics of Elixir but figured that this was already covered pretty well in other places like the Getting Started guide on the Elixir Language website and I didn't want to just regurgitate the content of those texts. There is also the…

Using eWebmachine to create a link shortener (part 3)

Posted on October 12, 2014 by Clive

In the last of these articles on the link shortener, I am going to discuss static assets. There are two ways of serving static assets - through a webserver like Apache (Apache Webserver) or using Webmachine. We'll add some simple static serving capability to the project. First off add the following…

Using Ewebmachine to create a link shortener (part 2)

Posted on October 03, 2014 by Clive

In the last part of this series Using Ewebmachine to create a link shortener (part 1) we covered setting up the basic application and services. In this part, we will add in some listing functionality, that will output in a number of formats: HTML, XML, JSON. So, first things first, lets set about…

Using a template file with Elixir and Ewebmachine

Posted on September 29, 2014 by Clive

As an extension to the examples presented in my previous post: Basic templating with Elixir-Mustache, I am going to look at separating the HTML from the code. Usually this is done in the form of templates, and with Elixir and Mustache this is no different. Taking the last example of the previous…

Basic templating with Elixir-mustache

Posted on September 28, 2014 by Clive

This week I'll be looking at basic, inline templating using Mustache (Elixir-Mustache) within the context of Ewebmachine by way of an aside to the work that we have been doing on the link shortener as presented in my previous posts. Next week, I'll be looking at applying these concepts to the link…

Using Ewebmachine to create a link shortener (part 1)

Posted on September 20, 2014 by Clive

In a slight change to the previous post, I will look in more detail at Ewebmachine. To help with this I am using the excellent tutorial on Webmachine that is in Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks published by Pragmatic Programmers as a basis. I can't recommend the book highly enough. Not only does…

Setting up Elixir and eWebmachine

Posted on September 08, 2014 by Clive

Thanks for showing an interest in this. This is not an exhaustive discussion on the ins and outs of setting this up and I do not profess to be an expert. I am also not an expert in Elixir, Erlang or Webmachine, so I might not be able to answer any questions or offer support. All I can say is that…
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